20 OCT 23
To Fernando de Leyba Chapter Members and To Whom it May Concern,
This letter is being sent to you on behalf of Petty Officer 2ND Class Carter Lanham as we nominate him for this year’s Sons of the American Revolution Sea Cadet Award. We would like to present him with this award at our annual awards banquet on Dec 10, 2023.
Petty Officer Lanham has been a superior Sea Cadet and an honor to work with. PO2 Lanham has had many accomplishments in his Sea Cadet career including 2 academic excellence awards, 2 color guard service awards, a community service award for serving various military and community organizations. He has served our unit in the role of Squad Leader and currently is serving as our Color Guard Captain and our Leading Petty Officer. Petty Officer Lanham was also the recipient of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Sea Cadet award for 2022. He has shown all of the qualities listed in regards to the requirements for this award and beyond.
Petty Officer 2nd Class Lanham has expressed interest in joining the armed forces through AirForce or the Navy as a medic.
It is with great pleasure that I recommend this cadet to you for the 2023 SAR Sea Cadet Award.
Very Respectfully,
LTJG Shanna Cann
Commanding Officer
Battleship Missouri Division
US Naval Sea Cadet Corps
CC: Veterans of Foreign Wars Headquarters
Battleship Missouri Division and Training Ship Missouri Division
St. Louis, Missouri
SAR Members are invited to attend the 2023 Navel Sea Cadet Award Banquet. The annual awards banquet will be held on Sunday December 10th at the American Legion, 2500 Raymond Drive, St. Charles, MO 63301. The doors will open at 11:00 AM and the ceremony and meal will begin at 11:45 AM.
Map and Directions can be found at: https://www.sarfdl.org/upcoming-events